DSLP: {DIGITAL SCHOOL LEARNING PROGRAM} is a combination of modern learning technology, pareto principles and Socratic study methods digitally transmitted via screencast mode. Learning is facilitated by combination of technology that to the learner learning becomes fun and easy.


Times have changed and its time to change both our tools of work and approach to the task. Learning styles and Teaching methods need to change in our schools to adequately prepare students for the future challenges and opportunities already posted by information age enigma. if schools continue to teach learners using the old methods, our education will not meet the needs of this age hence rendering irrelevant knowledge to learners.

The second GOAL of the national goals of education states is to Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development. If this goal is to be achieved educationist, teachers and parents must align academic programs with student’s future demands.


An empowered teacher is capable of empowering the learner. Equipping the teacher with necessary digital skills will ensure that teachers acquire multiple teaching methods and variety of ways to transmit content to the learner.


Digital Learning is “learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.

Time: Learning is no longer restricted to the school day or the school year. The Internet and a proliferation of Internet access devices have given students the ability to learn anytime.

Place: Learning is no longer restricted within the walls of a classroom. The Internet and a proliferation of Internet access devices have given students the ability to learn anywhere and everywhere.

Path: Learning is no longer restricted to the pedagogy used by the teacher. Interactive and adaptive software allows students to learn in their own style, making learning personal and engaging. New learning technologies provide Realtime data that gives teachers the information they need to adjust instruction to meet the unique needs of each student.

Digital learning is more than just providing students with a laptop. Digital learning requires a combination of technology, digital content and instruction.

Technology: Technology is the mechanism that delivers content. It facilitates how students receive content. It includes Internet access and hardware, which can be any Internet access device – from a desktop to a laptop to an iPad to a smartphone. Technology is the tool, not the instruction.

Digital Content: Digital content is the high quality academic material which is delivered through technology. It is what students learn. It ranges from new engaging, interactive and adaptive software to classic literature to video lectures togames. It isn’t simply a PDF of text or a PowerPoint presentation.

Instruction: Educators are essential to digital learning. Technology may change the role of the teacher but it will never eliminate the need for a teacher. With digital learning, teachers will be able to provide the personalized guidance and assistance to ensure students learn and stay on track

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